Monthly Archives: January 2016

Know the history of “Soda” and “Mineral” water bottles

The difference between “soda water” and “mineral water” is often vague and is unknown even today.

For clarification,”soda water” is generally considered as flavoured mineral water with various additional compounds and off course carbonation whereas in other sense mineral water has been referred as natural, unaltered and non-artificially flavoured waters with perceived medicinal qualities.

The fizzy drink stuffed with less pressurised carbon rather known as “soda, removes the taste of plain water thus hydrating the body and keeping you in shape.


Ever knew the history of bottled soda and mineral water?

Let us take a peek into the blog to know more:

Mineral water bottles are relatively narrower than the soda water bottles which is wide and made up of thick glass in order to withstand the internal carbonation pressure.

Moreover, these bottles needed to serve the rigors of high pressure bottling process as well as extensive post-bottle handling since soda waters were typically re-used many times.

These soda bottles are similar to beer bottles and some of these have an embossing effect like “these bottles are never sold” and these are known as “case wear”.

As, we all know that most of the fizzy drinks available in the market has carbonated water stuffed inside it .Thus most of these carbonated soda water comes from the soda water plant.


Some of the retail outlets have these soda water bottles processed from their factories for which machines for preparing soda water is necessary.

Such kinds of soda making machines are used in hotels, restaurants, bars or even general stores and food serving places for making food in large quantity or instantly to make drinks.

Most of these soda-making machines are known for their durable finish, rust proof surface and consistent performance.

As a side note, the main reason as to why carbonation was preferred was to prevent spoilage allowing for the shipment of the product to more distant places, even prior to refrigeration and pasteurization besides providing sensory pleasure while drinking soda water.

Why You must add Mineral Water in your Diet

When you are thinking of taking resort to a completely healthy lifestyle think about adding mineral water in your diet chart. It can help you in many ways. From keeping you hydrated to keeping obesity at bay, mineral water can do anything for you. Let’s take a look of the benefits that it offers.

Does not add to Obesity

Mineral water does not contain any added calories. That is why it does not add to the increasing calories anyway. Soda water and juice tend to add to the increasing calorie but it is the mineral water that you can consume without any worry. It will keep you hydrated for long hours without adding any bulge in your stomach.

                                                 Packaged Drinking Water                                                       

Keeps your Bone Strong

Generally women after menopause suffer from weak bone health. It is the time when they become quite prone to accidents, injuries and fractures. It makes them wear and makes it difficult to recover from these injuries. Regular consumption of mineral water makes it possible to retain the bone health. It has calcium that helps to make the bone stronger.

Controls Blood Pressure and LDL Cholesterol

Blood pressure and LDL cholesterol are the reasons behind increasing diseases of heart. Often they become the reason of heart attracts and failures too. If you are aging and worried about your heart consuming mineral water can be a good idea. It helps you to maintain a healthy regime that will keep your heart healthy, strong and beating. Mineral water contains potassium and magnesium. They are extremely helpful for the heart. They can control the blood pressure and LDL cholesterol.

These are the enough reasons for the increasing demand of packaged drinking water in Kolkata. Add this in your daily diet regime and head for a healthy living.

Why Mineral Water should be consumed Everyday

When everyone around you is striving hard to gain the perfect frame and toned body why would you stay back? You must be thinking about spending long hours in gym working out or switching to an extremely rigorous diet regime. But if you ask me I will suggest you to do only one thing; add mineral water in your regular diet.

Water treatment process

Being a dietician for a long while now I have been coming across hundreds of people who think to achieve the right shape but refuse to believe that they can get there only by doing a simple thing from their part. If you are in such a predicament, you are at the right place.


Adding mineral water in your normal, regular diet can offer you several benefits? What are they? Take a look and find yourself.

Keeps You Hydrated

Water is the other name of life. It is the most basic source of energy. Regular and frequent consumption of mineral water can keep you hydrated for a long time. In fact it does not contain any added preservatives. That is why it is not bad for health too.

Keeps Obesity at Bay

If you are fighting obesity you should take resort to mineral water immediately. To keep yourself hydrated the drinks you are consuming right now like soda water or juices they all contain calories and added preservatives. They will only contribute to your already fat stomach. Consume mineral water regularly and tone down your frame.

Keeps Your Bone Strong

Generally women after menopause suffer from weak bone structure that will make them prone to accidents and fractures. Mineral water contains calcium that can keep their bones strong even after their menopause.

Keeps Blood Pressure and LDL Cholesterol in Control

High blood pressure and LDL cholesterol are the reasons of why heart attacks happen. Mineral water contains magnesium and potassium. They play an enormously important role in controlling these two factors. To keep your heart healthy, ensure daily consumption of mineral water.