Category Archives: water treatment plant manufacturer in Kolkata

Different types of Water Softeners used in water treatment.

Different types of water softeners are used to treat the hard water. Here are some of the water softeners used in the Water Plant Manufacturer in Kolkata.

Water Plant Manufacturer in Kolkata

Water softeners are used for reducing or completely removing the calcium and magnesium content from the water collected. There are different types of water softeners that also help in reducing or cutting down the manganese and iron content from the water. The presence of these minerals makes water hard. People generally do not drink hard water. Though it is already proved that hard water is not so harmful and people think but it can be the reason for some of the water-borne diseases. This is the
reason why water softening is important. The best Water Treatment Plant Manufacturer in Kolkata uses the most advanced machinery and the best water softeners to treat water and make it fit for human consumption.

Hard water contains different metal ions, which react with soaps and prevent the water from making much lather. Hard water containing metal ions leaves noticeable rings in the bathtubs and on the water surfaces. The deposits of magnesium and calcium present in the hard water accumulate on metal objects like pipes, shower heads, sink faucets, pans, and pots.

Water softeners are of three types, potassium, sodium, and hydrogen. These water softeners comprise of a resin bed via which the water flows. Resin is found to have a negative charge and because of this, it clings to the positively charged metal ions present in the water. Potassium, sodium, and hydrogen are specifically used in the resin that exchanges with the divalent components like magnesium and calcium ions in the water. This means that when magnesium and calcium are eradicated from the hard water, they get replaced by sodium, potassium, and hydrogen.

These water softening agents get used up in the long run as they are found to release sodium, potassium, and hydrogen molecules in the water when it flows. The resin can be stored by letting some amount of brine to pass through it. Different types of brine can be used in this case like sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride, etc. After the brine has been used, it may result in the discharge of large quantities of brines to the environment that may lead to certain problems. This is the reason why a water treatment plant needs to be set up in as many regions as possible. A resin water softener
has a side effect and that is it allows water to get loaded with sodium when the water is too hard. The best consultant of Water Plant Manufacturer in Kolkata that is Priti International, always suggests to use the best water softeners for treating the hard water and make it suitable for human uses.