Know Here, Why Should You Need A Fully Automatic Sleeve Wrapper


Wrapping and sealing in a factory is a big thing. If not done so, it might result in the wastage of product. Therefore to protect from any damages Fully Automatic Sleeve Wrapper has been introduced. They work wonders in sealing the plastic and glass bottles. Often Helicopters too are sold by applying sleeve wrapper. These are fully automatic so not to worry about plastic rolls and changing them. These machines make the wrapping and sealing process easier.

Advantages Of Sleeve Wrappers –

  • It is the most cost efficient way of sealing.
  • It ensures that the product is protected from any kind of damage
  • It uses single plastic sheet that helps the process to be faster
  • Not much plastic is required. I single sheet is stretched over a big space. So by a little sheet a large area can be sealed.

How Does It Function?

A small film of plastic is applied heat and stretched to its fullest. Within this the items to be sealed is placed. When these items are already placed then, slowly temperature is decreased. The contraction In the plastic takes it back to the earlier form. This tightly seals the bottles together. Therefore even if the product inside the bottle moves, it is not easy to get damaged and split. Fully automatic sleeve wrappers help to conduct all these processes on their own. No human intervention is required. Which is a big way to save time.

You can get these machines for your factory or plant. It Is available at Priti International at a very cheap rate. Something that you would never get anywhere.  They also have Semi-Automatic Sleeve Wrapper. These are generally used for small industries with less and small product. There labour is not a hectic one. Thus they sell, these machines too. They are solutions to all factory problems. They help largely in the growth of the factories and plants. And this affect the changes in the factory. You earn without toiling very hard.

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